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Data validation at Icomm: Ensure the quality of your contacts

Having an accurate and updated contact database is crucial for the good performance of your campaigns. That is why Icomm offers a data validation service, which allows you to qualify and verify the quality of your contacts. Each verified email address can have one of the following results: deliverable, undeliverable, risky, or unknown. In addition to the verification result, you will also receive detailed information about the reason for the verification. It is important to note that this service has an associated cost. For more information on pricing, we recommend contacting your account manager or emailing

How to identify invalid emails that have not been uploaded to the database?

Once you have imported your contact database and it is in "Finished" status, you can get the number of invalid emails and download them as a CSV file to analyze the addresses with errors. Next, we explain how to do it step by step:

Enter the Manage contacts module in your Icomm account.
Select the Logs option in the menu.
In this section, you will find a list of the databases uploaded to your profile, along with relevant information such as upload date, file used, upload status, and email classification: valid, invalid, new, updated and duplicated.

Emails that have been categorized as "invalid" are discarded during the import process, but it is possible to download a file containing the details of these emails.

Invalid email download

Clicking on the number of invalid contacts will automatically download a CSV file containing the details of the invalid emails.

Email classification

During the Icomm database import process, emails are classified into five groups:

Valid: They are considered as effective emails because they have the appropriate structure of an email address.

Invalid: These emails do not comply with the proper structure of an email address and are therefore not considered valid. For example, they may be missing the "@" symbol.

New: Emails that were added to the database for the first time during the import.

Updated: Emails that have been added or updated in case of using the "add or update" option.

Duplicates: Icomm automatically removes any duplicate emails found in the imported database.

If you want more information about the "Logs" section, we recommend you consult our article here.

Up to how many days are the records kept in the Logs?

The logs in the Icomm "Logs" section show the upload and update status of each of the databases imported into the platform. These records present detailed information up to 90 days. It is important to take this time limit into account when performing queries and analysis in the Logs section.

Data validation at Icomm gives you the confidence and security of having a quality contact base, which directly impacts the performance of your email marketing campaigns. Be sure to take advantage of this functionality to maintain an up-to-date database and optimize your results.

Updated on: 08/09/2023

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