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Good practices for Browsing History in Icomm

Browsing History is a powerful tool that you can activate on your website to provide your customers with a list of products they have visited and allow them to view their browsing behavior. With the ability to customize this widget, you can tailor it to your needs and offer a more personalized experience for your users. Here are some good practices to maximize its effectiveness:

Activate the widget and configure it according to your preferences: Make sure to activate the history widget on the platform. Once activated, you can configure it according to your preferences and specific needs. You can choose colors that contrast with the background of your website, so that the widget is visible and attractive without getting lost in the overall design.

Choose an attractive and relevant widget title: Customize the widget name to make it relevant and eye-catching. You can use terms like "History", "Listing", "Your Products", or other creative names that reflect their main function. Remember that the objective is to encourage users to interact with the content offered by the product history.

Use Persuasive and Engaging Messages: Messages within the widget should be persuasive and encourage users to explore products they have previously shown interest in. You can use phrases like "Discover your favorite products!", "Relive your last visits!", or any message that invites users to interact with the history content.

Display widget on all site pages: To ensure the history widget is effective, make sure it is visible on all pages of your website. This will serve as a constant guide and reminder to users about the products they were interested in and visited in the past. By keeping the widget accessible at all times, you'll increase the chances that users will re-engage with products they've already shown interest in.

Updated on: 08/09/2023

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