Articles on: Icomm Main App

Good Practices in Icomm Onboarding: A Guide for Your First Shipment

To ensure that your first shipment is successful, we have prepared a basic guide of best practices in onboarding. Follow these steps to make sure you make the most of all Icomm's features:

Partition the database

Partitioning the database is crucial for sending personalized and relevant messages to your audience. Before your first shipment, make sure you know how to perform this process. You can find detailed information in our article on How to partition shipments.

Image descriptions in the newsletter

Ensure that all images in the newsletter are accompanied by clear and attractive descriptions. This not only improves accessibility for all users but also helps convey the message even if the images do not load correctly. Consider incorporating relevant details about your products or services in the image descriptions.

Facilitate navigation for your users by including links to all the images in your News. Check our tutorial on How to create a newsletter from editor for detailed instructions. Easy access to visual information will enhance the user experience and increase interaction.

Perform test shipments

Avoid unwanted surprises by sending a test before your official shipment. Our article on How to make a test shipment will guide you through this process, ensuring everything is in order before reaching your audience. Take this opportunity to validate the appearance and content of your campaign.

Send to your base with recent engagement

Maximize the impact of your message by sending it to an engaged base. Use the most recent engagement information to segment and target those who have interacted with your campaigns in the past. Need help identifying these users? Check our User Ranking Guide to create profiles with higher engagement. Segmenting based on past behavior will improve the relevance of your messages and increase open rates.

Explore other suggestions for better results in your campaigns: 2023 Best Practices Guide.

Updated on: 12/04/2023

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