How can I segment my audience in Hub?
You can segment your audience only for Campaign notifications, according to the previous browsing behavior of your users on your site.
You can create a behavior in two ways:
1) From the Behaviors section. For this, you must first go to Push Notifications > Behaviors. There you must choose the name of the behavior according to the public you want to reach. In the second step, you will have to apply a filter, which is applied with the “AND” function: only if they are all true, the user will be included in this behavior.

To set a behavior you must:
Exclude or Include a behavior: for this you must think about what behaviors the user performs on the web (include them) and what not (exclude them).
Select a type of filter: URL (site link of your choice within your page), Page Title (category or product title of your choice) or Custom Event.
Select the type of operator: if it is “equals”, “contains” or if the search is through a “regular expression”.
Choose the value to filter: this will depend on the selected filter.
Example of behavior
If I wanted to segment the audience that abandons carts within my site, the behavior configuration could be the following:
Behavior Name: “Cart Abandonment”
First select the option:
Include > URL >Equals >
+Add another rule
Exclude > URL > Equals >
In this case we create the behavior for our audience that abandons the carts taking into account the previous behaviors of our users on our website. In the first place, we know that the user reaches checkout but does not reach the completed purchase page, also called success or "thank you page". That's why we added 2 rules and the values to filter are related to the 2 URLs mentioned above.
2) From the process of creating a Campaign. In step 3 of the creation of a campaign you will see the option + Add new and you will have to carry out the same steps as in the point mentioned above.

Consult our article: How to create behaviors in HUB
You can create a behavior in two ways:
1) From the Behaviors section. For this, you must first go to Push Notifications > Behaviors. There you must choose the name of the behavior according to the public you want to reach. In the second step, you will have to apply a filter, which is applied with the “AND” function: only if they are all true, the user will be included in this behavior.

To set a behavior you must:
Exclude or Include a behavior: for this you must think about what behaviors the user performs on the web (include them) and what not (exclude them).
Select a type of filter: URL (site link of your choice within your page), Page Title (category or product title of your choice) or Custom Event.
Select the type of operator: if it is “equals”, “contains” or if the search is through a “regular expression”.
Choose the value to filter: this will depend on the selected filter.
Example of behavior
If I wanted to segment the audience that abandons carts within my site, the behavior configuration could be the following:
Behavior Name: “Cart Abandonment”
First select the option:
Include > URL >Equals >
+Add another rule
Exclude > URL > Equals >
In this case we create the behavior for our audience that abandons the carts taking into account the previous behaviors of our users on our website. In the first place, we know that the user reaches checkout but does not reach the completed purchase page, also called success or "thank you page". That's why we added 2 rules and the values to filter are related to the 2 URLs mentioned above.
2) From the process of creating a Campaign. In step 3 of the creation of a campaign you will see the option + Add new and you will have to carry out the same steps as in the point mentioned above.

Consult our article: How to create behaviors in HUB
Updated on: 07/28/2023
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