Articles on: FAQs

How many Exit Pop-ups can I have on my website?

In Icomm you can create as many Exit pop-ups as you want. This gives you flexibility in your strategies and tailoring your outbound messages based on your specific goals. However, it is essential to maintain a balance and ensure that each pop-up has a clear purpose and a relevant value proposition for your audience.

Avoid overlaps between Exit Pop-ups:

When you create multiple Exit pop-ups on your website, you should carefully consider the days and times that they will be activated. Overlapping pop-ups can be confusing and annoying for your visitors. To avoid this problem, it's a good idea to schedule your Exit pop-ups so that they show up at specific times and don't overlap each other. Use Icomm's scheduling features to set specific times and days for each pop-up, so they pop up at opportune times without interfering with each other.

Consult our article: H[ow can I choose where to show the Exit Pop-up?](/en-us/article/how-can-i-choose-where-to-show-the-exit-pop-up-qer8it/)

Updated on: 07/31/2023

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