Articles on: Icomm Main App

How to change the language of the header and footer in an Icomm newsletter

Customizing the language of the header and footer of your newsletters is an important step to ensure effective communication with your audience. Follow these simple steps to change the language when creating a newsletter.

Before you start creating the piece from the Editor or HTML template.

Head to the settings menu on the right side of the screen.
Locate the Language option
Scroll down the right side menu until you find the language selection option. This is located just below the Plain Text box.
Select the language
Click the language drop-down menu. Here you will find a list of available languages.

The selected language will be the one used in the header and footer legends of your email. Once selected, the system will automatically apply this language to the standard captions that accompany your piece of mail at the beginning and end of the email as shown below.

After completing this step, proceed to create the content of your newsletter as usual.

This setting affects only the standard system legends, not the main content of the piece. Make sure the main content of the newsletter is also in the appropriate language for your audience.

Consultation: How to create Newsletter from Editor

Updated on: 06/28/2024

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