How to configure custom fields in a newsletter
To customize a text on the ICOMMKT platform, the following format must be used: <*field*>. Where FIELD is the exact name of the column that contains the data (within the database) that you want to customize. The system will not take case into account.
If you want to use the “first_name_last” field, which is contained in the contact profile (database), the correct way to write the personalization would be: <*first_name_last*>
If, on the other hand, you write <*namelastname*> or any other combination, the system will not allow you to approve the sending of the email and will report incompatibility between the selected piece and the profile(s) in question.
This option can only be used in HTML pieces, with editable text spaces, or in editable templates that have text spaces.
Not compatible with Teasser parts (jpg).
Anything that has text on a piece can be personalized.
Once inside the selected editor:
Enter the text editor (HTML Template or Editor)
On the right side of the editor, there is the option to customize text from profile data: “Profile Fields”
Write the name of the profile that will be included in the shipment.
Once the profile is selected, the fields in it will automatically appear.
Select the field you want to customize in the text
Use the + button to add the desired field to the text. In this way, the system will replace the <*name*> code with the contact information.
See more details about Newsletter HTML in this article.
This tool has a text editor that allows you to use the basic functions of a standard editor. It also allows you to customize fields.
Drag the tool to the workspace.
Write and customize the text with the text editor.
Go to the Field button.
Choose General Fields or from the Profile.
Choose the field you want to add to the message.
Select the Add button to include it in the text of the piece:
The options are: Email, Hour, Minute, Day (number), Day (name), Month (number), Month (name), Year, Custom QR, QR Link.
Write and select the profile that will receive the piece.
Search and select the profile.
Choose the field you want to add.
Select the Add button to include it in the text of the piece.
See more details about Newsletter Editor in this article.
If more than one database is included for custom shipping, all of them must have the field worded the same. Otherwise, customization will not be supported for all databases.
Another option to use custom fields is when configuring shipping. In this instance you can customize the subject text and the preheader.
Enter the Schedule Shipping section
On the Configuration Data tab, use the tool-shaped icon next to the Subject field
Select Custom Subject
Before selecting the option to customize the subject, make sure to select the profiles to which the communication will be directed in the Profiles and Audience tab.
Select the profile information you want to include in the personalized text
Choose one of the data contained in the profile to customize the subject text.
Ready. The personalized data will be included in the subject or preheader text.
If you select more than one database for sending, the platform will perform a match between their fields and will only allow you to use the fields that all of them contain as a common factor.
If you want to use the “first_name_last” field, which is contained in the contact profile (database), the correct way to write the personalization would be: <*first_name_last*>
If, on the other hand, you write <*namelastname*> or any other combination, the system will not allow you to approve the sending of the email and will report incompatibility between the selected piece and the profile(s) in question.
This option can only be used in HTML pieces, with editable text spaces, or in editable templates that have text spaces.
Not compatible with Teasser parts (jpg).
Customize text in Newsletter HTML
Anything that has text on a piece can be personalized.
Once inside the selected editor:
Enter the text editor (HTML Template or Editor)
On the right side of the editor, there is the option to customize text from profile data: “Profile Fields”
Write the name of the profile that will be included in the shipment.
Once the profile is selected, the fields in it will automatically appear.
Select the field you want to customize in the text
Use the + button to add the desired field to the text. In this way, the system will replace the <*name*> code with the contact information.
See more details about Newsletter HTML in this article.
Customize text in Newsletter Editor
This tool has a text editor that allows you to use the basic functions of a standard editor. It also allows you to customize fields.
Drag the tool to the workspace.
Write and customize the text with the text editor.
Add customize fields:
Go to the Field button.
Choose General Fields or from the Profile.
General fields:
Choose the field you want to add to the message.
Select the Add button to include it in the text of the piece:
The options are: Email, Hour, Minute, Day (number), Day (name), Month (number), Month (name), Year, Custom QR, QR Link.
Write and select the profile that will receive the piece.
Search and select the profile.
Choose the field you want to add.
Select the Add button to include it in the text of the piece.
See more details about Newsletter Editor in this article.
Follow the steps to configure shipping. (See separate)
If more than one database is included for custom shipping, all of them must have the field worded the same. Otherwise, customization will not be supported for all databases.
Customize Subjects/Preaheaders
Another option to use custom fields is when configuring shipping. In this instance you can customize the subject text and the preheader.
Enter the Schedule Shipping section
On the Configuration Data tab, use the tool-shaped icon next to the Subject field
Select Custom Subject
Before selecting the option to customize the subject, make sure to select the profiles to which the communication will be directed in the Profiles and Audience tab.
Select the profile information you want to include in the personalized text
Choose one of the data contained in the profile to customize the subject text.
Ready. The personalized data will be included in the subject or preheader text.
If you select more than one database for sending, the platform will perform a match between their fields and will only allow you to use the fields that all of them contain as a common factor.
Updated on: 12/06/2023
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