How to create a new profile in Icomm
Here is a step-by-step guide to creating a new audience profile in Icomm. Learn about the different types of profiles in this article.
Go to the Manage my contacts module
Select New Profile
Once you enter, you'll find the following screen
Complete the requirements to create a New Profile
Name and Description: can be the same. It is used to identify the profile internally.
Profile Type:
Regular Profile: To create this type of profile, do NOT select the Virtual or Mobile Only options. They are fed from a database in an Excel file (CSV format) or from an Omnichannel integration with physical stores or Ecommerce. It can also be done via API.
Virtual Profile: To create this type of profile, check the Virtual box. They are audience segments. These profiles are made up of filters that select an audience segment based on the communication objective. They are updated dynamically.
SMS Profile: To create this type of profile, check the Mobile Only box.
Add a new field: use the Add button. The platform will display a box to enter the name of the field, as shown in the following image.
Delete Field: To delete a field from the profile, go to the Trash button on the right side of the field.
The Email field is mandatory and cannot be modified. This way, the platform identifies the contacts. The same number of fields that appear in the databases that are loaded from Import Contacts must be added and written identically. Thus, the platform can access all the information of the contacts.
Once the above steps are completed, use the Save button to finalize the creation of the New Profile
Use the Cancel button to abort the creation of a New Profile.
Contacts can be imported via CSV file upload or manually. Check out both options in the following articles:
How to import contacts from Excel (CSV)
How to import contacts manually (Copy - Paste)
In the library List Profiles there are all the profiles created by the user.
Go to the Manage my contacts module
Select New Profile
Once you enter, you'll find the following screen
Complete the requirements to create a New Profile
Name and Description: can be the same. It is used to identify the profile internally.
Profile Type:
Regular Profile: To create this type of profile, do NOT select the Virtual or Mobile Only options. They are fed from a database in an Excel file (CSV format) or from an Omnichannel integration with physical stores or Ecommerce. It can also be done via API.
Virtual Profile: To create this type of profile, check the Virtual box. They are audience segments. These profiles are made up of filters that select an audience segment based on the communication objective. They are updated dynamically.
SMS Profile: To create this type of profile, check the Mobile Only box.
Add a new field: use the Add button. The platform will display a box to enter the name of the field, as shown in the following image.
Delete Field: To delete a field from the profile, go to the Trash button on the right side of the field.
The Email field is mandatory and cannot be modified. This way, the platform identifies the contacts. The same number of fields that appear in the databases that are loaded from Import Contacts must be added and written identically. Thus, the platform can access all the information of the contacts.
Once the above steps are completed, use the Save button to finalize the creation of the New Profile
Use the Cancel button to abort the creation of a New Profile.
How to import contacts to the new created profile
Contacts can be imported via CSV file upload or manually. Check out both options in the following articles:
How to import contacts from Excel (CSV)
How to import contacts manually (Copy - Paste)
In the library List Profiles there are all the profiles created by the user.
Updated on: 03/15/2024
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