Articles on: Icomm Main App

How to create a Newsletter

Create the pieces that will be sent to your contacts. The platform offers four options for Newsletters, according to the user's needs.

Go to the Create News menu
Select Create Newsletter
Choose the Newsletter format you want to create
The platform offers four options:

HTML Piece
Teaser Piece
Editor Piece
SMS Piece

Once you have chosen the type of Newsletter...

Select the Campaign that the piece will be a part of

Campaigns are used to organize Newsletters into different folders and to measure metrics.

Write the Name and Description of the piece: these can be the same. They are used to identify the profile internally.

Click the Continue button

You will be redirected to the selected template's configuration

Consult the article on HTML Newsletter
Consult the article on Teaser Newsletter
Consult the article on Editor Newsletter
Consult the article on SMS Newsletter

Updated on: 04/27/2023

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