How to create a Newsletter Teaser
Create a Newsletter from an image. Learn the details of this template option on the Icomm platform.
Go to the Create News menu
Select Create Newsletter
Select the TEASER template

Select the Campaign
Write Name and Description
Click the Continue button

You will be redirected to the piece editor
Click on the editing box
A new window will open to select the piece
Select the piece from the PC

Upload image from the Computer
a. Click on the box Select New image from your computer
b. Add an image Description (Required)
c. Add a link to redirect the contact to a website in the URL box
d. Click on the ADD button

The platform will display the image in the editing box:

Complete Plain Text
Select the Language

Choose the following options:

Preview: view the content of the Newsletter that the recipient will see.
Save: save changes to the piece during its design.
Save and Exit: save changes and exit the editor. Allows you to make changes again.
Approve and Create Delivery: Approve the piece and configure the message delivery.
In List Newsletter, all campaigns created by the user can be observed and advanced actions can be taken.
Go to the Create News menu
Select Create Newsletter
Select the TEASER template

Select the Campaign
Write Name and Description
Click the Continue button

You will be redirected to the piece editor
Select the image or link to create the Newsletter
Click on the editing box
A new window will open to select the piece
Select the piece from the PC

Upload image from the Computer
a. Click on the box Select New image from your computer
b. Add an image Description (Required)
c. Add a link to redirect the contact to a website in the URL box
d. Click on the ADD button

The platform will display the image in the editing box:

Complete Plain Text
Select the Language

Choose the following options:

Preview: view the content of the Newsletter that the recipient will see.
Save: save changes to the piece during its design.
Save and Exit: save changes and exit the editor. Allows you to make changes again.
Approve and Create Delivery: Approve the piece and configure the message delivery.
In List Newsletter, all campaigns created by the user can be observed and advanced actions can be taken.
Updated on: 04/28/2023
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