Articles on: Icomm Main App

How to create an email marketing campaign

One of the first steps in sending email marketing is creating a campaign.

Go to the Create News module
Select Create Campaign

Write Name and Description: it can be the same for both. (Does not support special characters).
Select Start/End Date: Set how long the campaign will last. (Optional).

Enable CPL/CPA: to get conversion and registration data. (Recommended)

Cost per Lead (CPL) and Cost per Acquisition (CPA): Enabling this option allows you to record the actions of the contacts who received the communication. These data will be displayed in the Results panel.

Select the Save button to finish.

You will be redirected to the List Campaigns section.

In List Campaigns you can see all the campaigns created by the user and perform advanced actions.

Updated on: 04/28/2023

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