How to create NPS survey (Net prompter score)
Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a question widely used by brands and companies to find out the level of customer satisfaction. Through this question, the respondent is asked to define from 0 to 10 how willing they would be to recommend the brand/service/product to a friend or acquaintance.
Based on the answers, a score or better called "Net Promoter Score" is established, which will allow us to understand the level of satisfaction and loyalty of a user towards the brand.
The main difference between this type of question and a scoring question is the results displayed in the statistics section.
Once you select the type of NPS question, perform the configuration:
Questions: Type the question you want to ask respondents.
Description: Check this option if you want to add a description below the question. It is used to make clarifications, or to specify something regarding the question.
Labels: You can edit the labels that appear on the left and right ends of the scale (optional). You will not be able to change the scale, since these types of Net Promoter Score questions maintain the same predefined structure.
Advanced Options: See our article on Advanced Options to learn more about these features and their benefits.
Once the question is set up, click the Save Question button to add it to your survey.
In this section you will be able to analyze the results of the NPS survey. Once you start receiving responses, you will be able to enter the statistics and you will find the following graphs.
In the first graph you will find a detail of the number of times each option has been selected.
In the second graph you will see a stacked bar separated by promoters, passives/neutrals and detractors.
In the third graph you will see your NPS with a speedometer that will help you analyze the score obtained.
We recommend you follow up over time to understand the evolution of your customer loyalty.
Based on the answers, a score or better called "Net Promoter Score" is established, which will allow us to understand the level of satisfaction and loyalty of a user towards the brand.
The main difference between this type of question and a scoring question is the results displayed in the statistics section.
Once you select the type of NPS question, perform the configuration:
Questions: Type the question you want to ask respondents.
Description: Check this option if you want to add a description below the question. It is used to make clarifications, or to specify something regarding the question.
Labels: You can edit the labels that appear on the left and right ends of the scale (optional). You will not be able to change the scale, since these types of Net Promoter Score questions maintain the same predefined structure.
Advanced Options: See our article on Advanced Options to learn more about these features and their benefits.
Once the question is set up, click the Save Question button to add it to your survey.
In this section you will be able to analyze the results of the NPS survey. Once you start receiving responses, you will be able to enter the statistics and you will find the following graphs.
In the first graph you will find a detail of the number of times each option has been selected.
In the second graph you will see a stacked bar separated by promoters, passives/neutrals and detractors.
In the third graph you will see your NPS with a speedometer that will help you analyze the score obtained.
We recommend you follow up over time to understand the evolution of your customer loyalty.
Updated on: 05/22/2023
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