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How to improve the click through rate (CTOR) in your campaigns

In case you have a low click through rate (CTRO), there are actions you can take to improve your performance and increase the interaction of your subscribers with your emails. Here are some good practices from the Icomm team:

Analyze previous successful campaigns

An effective way to improve your CTRO is to analyze previous campaigns or periods in which you have obtained a good click-through rate. See what type of pieces or content generated better metrics. You can consider factors such as the structure of the email, the tone of the message, the visual design, and the placement of the links. Use those examples as a reference to optimize your future campaigns.

Use eye-catching and concise calls to action (CTAs)

A clear and persuasive CTA can make a difference in the click-through rate of your emails. Make sure your calls to action are concise, direct, and engaging. Use keywords that generate interest and motivation in your subscribers. In addition, it is advisable to visually highlight the CTA, using striking colors or graphic elements that stand out. This will help grab the reader's attention and increase the chances that they will click on the link.

Incorporate dynamic visual elements, such as GIFs

Visuals can play a big role in increasing engagement on your emails. Consider incorporating animated GIFs into your newsletters or promotional messages. GIFs can be used creatively to highlight products, demonstrate functionality, or simply add a touch of pizzazz to your messages. These compelling visual elements can grab the reader's attention and encourage them to click on your links.

Design Eye-Catching Emails

An attractive visual design can make a difference in the rate of clicks. Use colors and fonts that are easy on the eye, making sure that the content is readable and well structured. Incorporate graphic elements, such as relevant images or illustrations, that help convey your message effectively. An attractive and professional design can build trust and motivate subscribers to engage with your content.

Perform A/B tests

A/B testing is an effective strategy to improve your email marketing metrics. Test different elements in your emails, such as subject lines, layouts, calls to action, and link placement. Send variations of your emails to different segments of your audience and evaluate the results. This will allow you to identify which elements work best and optimize your strategy accordingly.

We recommend: What is the difference between CTR and CTOR?

Check out our Results Dashboard Guide for more information on how to interpret and use Icomm metrics and optimize your email marketing campaigns.

Updated on: 12/12/2023

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