Articles on: Icomm Main App

How to modify user data in Icomm

The Icomm platform allows you to modify user data when necessary. To do this, follow a simple procedure outlined below.

Access the Settings menu.
Select the List Users option.

List Users

Locate the user you want to modify in the list.
Click on the blue arrow-shaped button next to the user.
- Select the Update option.

Update User

The following form will appear:

Modify User Data

Enter the new data in the corresponding fields. This can include Username, Password, Confirm Password, Name, Surname, Email, Country, or Time Zone.

Click the Save button to complete the modification.


The Blocked option allows restricting platform usage for a user.

Reference: How to Create Users in Icomm

Related: Granting User Permissions in Icomm

Updated on: 11/27/2023

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