Articles on: Icomm Main App

How to see results of repeat shipments

To know the statistics of the automated shipments with repetition you must enter the Results module. There you will be able to see the details of each configuration made from the Icomm platform.


Enter the Live Results module
Find the auto-send setting you want information about
You can search the list of settings by the name of the Campaign, the name of the Configuration or the start/end date of the shipment. If a shipment was scheduled a long time ago, in order to see it you must filter the start date backwards

Results Information

From the Results panel, you will be able to observe the following data of the automated shipments:

The information window about the sent configuration also shows the following data:

Unique views
Unique clicks

You must bear in mind that the results of this type of configuration are always seen on the same record. For example: if you schedule a repeat shipment for the whole year, you will be able to see its results from the date the shipment was created.

To see when the last sending of said configuration was, clicking on the number of sent will open a tab where you will see all the contacts to whom the news was sent, as well as the date and time.

However, it is possible to obtain a more personalized record of results if you work with the News Archive. This function incorporates the daily/monthly activity of the contacts based on the events that may occur. Icomm can host said file in the SFTP that the client provides. In this way, they will be able to develop their own dashboards or visualization of results in a personalized way.

Updated on: 05/18/2023

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