Articles on: Survey

How to share surveys

Icomm offers different ways to share surveys with your audience. The channels you use will depend on you and your objectives. Next, a review of the options available to the platform.


This option will allow you to enter and respond to your campaign without it saving the results. You can use this option to review your creation as many times as you want or to share with your colleagues.

You will be able to know that you are responding to a preview of your campaign since a message reminding you that it is a preview will appear at the top.

Sending survey by email

The first thing you will find will be the URL of your campaign, you can copy this URL (by selecting the small button that appears in the upper right part of the URL) and paste where you want, in an email button, in an SMS, in a WhatsApp and more.

Copy the link and add it to a Newsletter to share by email
Configure the sending of the email

Consult the articles on Create Newsletter and Schedule Sending

Share via Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Google +

Select the different social media buttons to quickly share your campaign from Icomm.

Share with QR code

Each survey created generates a QR code that can be shared as a new way to enter the survey. (This last option is not available for surveys with hidden fields).

This code can be shared via email, social networks or embedded in websites. It can also be printed to be scanned by customers in physical stores.


This option will allow you to embed your survey within your website. You will receive a code that you must paste into your own code, once you have done this, your users will be able to respond to your campaign from your website without needing to be redirected elsewhere.


This option allows you to embed your campaign as a pop-up within your website. Icomm will provide a similar embed code but this action will cause your campaigns to be activated in a pop-up format. You can choose to have your survey pop-up displayed in Full Screen, on the Left or Right of the screen.

You may be interested in our article on Survey Results

Updated on: 05/23/2023

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