Articles on: Survey

How to use Score in surveys

The Calculator or Score functionality is used to apply values ​​to the answers. In this way, each answer will obtain a certain score that can be added or subtracted.

The calculator is a great tool for tests, shopping carts and much more. It also allows you to calculate scores or the total sum of the prices of a purchase.

How does it work?

To start you must create a question with multiple answer options

In our case we will use it to create a purchase or a total calculation of $. The question is: “Which cupcake do you want to give away? ” and the possible answers are: “Blueberry”, “Nuez”, “Moka” and “Cookies”

Each response has a different price, so they must add a different "score" to the total sum of products:

For the answer “Blueberry”, we want to add $5
For the answer “Nuez”, we want to add $6
For the answer “Moka”, we want to add $7
For the answer “Cookies”, we want to add $8

Once that initial question is created, you must create subsequent messages/questions for each possible answer

Create the answers

Click on the calculator icon of the initial question

This icon opens the Calculator interface

Click the Add Calculation button to set up the calculations based on the possible answers

Configure the following:
The first button with your first answer,
The second button with the options to Add or Subtract
In the third, complete the score you want to assign to the answer.
With the last button, select Add or Subtract in case you want to perform an action if the applied logics are not met.

In this way, you can create different options for each of the answers:

Create Jump Logic with Score

This functionality can be combined with the Jump Logic feature to display different messages for different responses.

For example, we apply the Calculator so that it adds $120 if the user wants the order to be sent to his home, or does nothing if he picks it up personally).

Also, you can add a “Jump Logic” where if they choose to remove it personally, the address and an image with a map are shown using the “Descriptive Text” question type:

In the case of wanting the shipment, the client will have to complete the corresponding information: Address, Postal Code and email to be able to contact.

It is important to clarify that the user will not see the applied calculations unless you want to show the result. To do this, the following must be done:

How to configure Jump Logic with Score

Enter the question where you want the result to be seen, in this case, it is question 6, where the total will be shown:

Within the question, you must select the Variables option and select the Score option:

Once selected, you will see that the number "0" already appears in the preview and on the left side you will see that the variable is activated.

In the preview, the number 0 is displayed. This is because there are no previous results taken into account yet.

However, the user will be able to see the result when they make the form:


Another use of the calculator is the creation of tests, where you can assign a score of "1" to those correct answers and "0" to those incorrect answers. As you can see in the following example:

How to activate the Score

Follow the steps to configure the Score in your survey

Access the Score icon, located on the right side of each question

Click on the Add Calculation button

Configure the jump logic

Depending on the value of the score, a jump logic can be combined towards another question.

Answer: select from the drop-down menu the answer that will add or subtract points
Calculation: select the calculation that the system must perform (Add - Subtract)
Value: indicates the value that will be assigned to each score
Otherwise: configures the action that the system should take if the answer is the opposite

Click on the Save button to finish

Updated on: 05/23/2023

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