How to view survey question results
Within the statistics of a campaign you can consult the results for each of the questions that make up the survey. Each question type has a different way of displaying its results. Here are some examples of the information that will be available in your campaign results.
Click on the campaign statistics icon
Select the Results tab to enter the results of each of the questions
In this question option you will be able to observe the number of answers that this question obtained, with the different answer options, the number of answers that each answer obtained and that equivalent number in a percentage. All of this will be in a visual graph so you can quickly see the results.
The results of these two questions look the same, since both question types are text fields where the user can enter and type their answers. You will be able to see all the user responses, one below the other. In case the survey has demographic data of the users, the name of the user who responds will be displayed. In case you do not have this data, you will not be able to see the name of the person who is responding.
In the upper right part, you will find a cloud icon, by clicking on this icon, the tool will recognize the most used and repeated words in the answers and present them as a word cloud as shown in the following image.
The statistics of this type of question will be seen in the scale that was selected, both in quantity and with the icon used, and you will be able to see the average score selected by your users.
The results of this type of questions are represented with colors. You will be able to observe the different possible response options positioned according to their average.
For example, in the following image you can see how "Quality" is the most important option for users, being in an average location of 1.86, followed by price in an average location of 2.86.
In the same way, the colors will graphically show the number of times the option was ranked first, second, etc.
You will find the same number of colors as answer options.
This type of question offers a specific calculation that generates the "Net Promoter Score" of a company, brand, product or service. In the statistics you will be able to see a graph with the number of responses obtained in each of the options through bars or columns, the Net Promoter Score and the percentage of detractors and promoters.
In this question, the user can upload their own files. The statistics will show the name of the user and also the name of the file they have uploaded. When you click on the document, it will open in a separate window where you can see the document or image separately. You can also export these results in PDF or print them by pressing the Print button, located at the bottom of the screen.
Enter Results
Click on the campaign statistics icon
Select the Results tab to enter the results of each of the questions
Multiple choice
In this question option you will be able to observe the number of answers that this question obtained, with the different answer options, the number of answers that each answer obtained and that equivalent number in a percentage. All of this will be in a visual graph so you can quickly see the results.
Short Answer and Form
The results of these two questions look the same, since both question types are text fields where the user can enter and type their answers. You will be able to see all the user responses, one below the other. In case the survey has demographic data of the users, the name of the user who responds will be displayed. In case you do not have this data, you will not be able to see the name of the person who is responding.
In the upper right part, you will find a cloud icon, by clicking on this icon, the tool will recognize the most used and repeated words in the answers and present them as a word cloud as shown in the following image.
The statistics of this type of question will be seen in the scale that was selected, both in quantity and with the icon used, and you will be able to see the average score selected by your users.
The results of this type of questions are represented with colors. You will be able to observe the different possible response options positioned according to their average.
For example, in the following image you can see how "Quality" is the most important option for users, being in an average location of 1.86, followed by price in an average location of 2.86.
In the same way, the colors will graphically show the number of times the option was ranked first, second, etc.
You will find the same number of colors as answer options.
NPS – Net Promoter Score
This type of question offers a specific calculation that generates the "Net Promoter Score" of a company, brand, product or service. In the statistics you will be able to see a graph with the number of responses obtained in each of the options through bars or columns, the Net Promoter Score and the percentage of detractors and promoters.
Upload file
In this question, the user can upload their own files. The statistics will show the name of the user and also the name of the file they have uploaded. When you click on the document, it will open in a separate window where you can see the document or image separately. You can also export these results in PDF or print them by pressing the Print button, located at the bottom of the screen.
Updated on: 05/23/2023
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