Articles on: Icomm Main App

New Configuration: how to schedule shipments

Configure the sending of an email marketing campaign. Follow these four steps to schedule the delivery of your communication.

Step by Step

Go to Delivery Configuration
The initial screen shows the list of shipping configurations made on the platform.

Select New Configuration

Complete the next 4 steps to send the campaign.

Delivery Configuration Data

Complete the basic information for the shipment.

Configuration Name
Identifies the shipping configuration with a name

Select the campaign that will be sent to contacts

Newsletter (Newsletter)
Select the piece Newsletter that will be sent

Start date
Sets the date and time the delivery will begin.

Actual time
Set by default

From Name
It is the sender, who sends the message. This is usually the name of the company that sent the email.

From Email
Sender's email.

Select an email address where the contacts' responses will arrive.

The subject line seeks to attract the attention of the recipient and is one of the main reasons why an email is opened.

Custom Subject
You can add a custom data in the subject.

First you must select the database to which the campaign will be sent in the Profiles and Audience section.

Then, use the tool icon to select the field you want to include in the subject.

The results of the custom issues can be seen from the Results module by clicking on the configuration:


If the subject or the newsletter to send has custom fields, the configuration does not allow you to use the Share on social networks or Forward to a friend options

Add emoji
In the tool icon select the Add Emojis option
Choose the emoji you want to add to the subject

It is the text that accompanies the subject. In Gmail or other emails it is shown after the subject. A short phrase is usually used.

Custom fields and emojis can also be included in the Preheader

Social networks
This option allows each person who receives the email to share it on their social networks. It is recommended to enable the piece to have a greater impact and diffusion. The option allows you to select all or some social networks.

Allow contacts to forward the email.

Testing Configuration
It allows to differentiate the real shipments from the tests. Your metrics will not show up in the results sheet.

Consult our help center: How to make a test shipment.

If you access Schedule Sending from the edition of the piece, the Newsletter and Campaign data will already be complete. Otherwise, the user must select the Campaign and the piece they want to send.

Profiles and Audiences

Select the recipients of the shipment.

Regular Profiles
Select a database loaded on the platform to send them an email.

Virtual Profiles
Select a specific segment of the database to send them an email.

Negativize profiles

Use the Add (+) or Subtract (-) tool to add or exclude contacts in the shipment

Select the database (Regular Profile) to which you want to send.

Select a Virtual Profile that contains the contacts you want to exclude from sending.

Select the Subtract (-) option

In this way, the contacts that belong to the selected virtual base will be excluded.

A database can be added to the shipment with the Add (+) option.

Delivery options

Configure advanced options for shipping.

Enable Repeat Delivery

This option allows the shipment to be automatically repeated every “x” amount of time (hours, days, months). By enabling this option, the complete menu will be displayed to configure the repetition of the shipment.

Send to new contacts: Recommended for repeat mailings in the near future and to an updated database from the first mailing. Otherwise, don't select it.

Resend Only To Unopened Email Contacts: the sending will be made only to those contacts who have not opened the mail. (Recommended).

Delivery schedule:

Daily repeat: You can program the repetition of the shipment every X days or from "Monday to Friday".

Weekly repeat: Select the day of the week you want to perform the automatic repeat.

Monthly repeat: This option allows you to configure shipments on a monthly basis, according to the following options:

Every "X" months: select how many months the shipment should be repeated

First day of the month: to repeat the shipment on the first day of each month

First business day of the month: to repeat the first business day of each month

Last day of the month: to repeat the last day of each month

Last business day of the month: to repeat the last business day of the month

This option also allows you to configure the shipment to be repeated on a specific day (number) every X months.

Or that the repetition of the shipment is made on the first, second, third, fourth or fifth day every X months.

Set the time of repetition(s)

Same as first delivery: replays will be at the time the initial shipment was made.

Delivery at: allows you to choose the time of the repetitions.

Every: this option allows you to configure the sending to be done every X hours between x hours and x hours. That is, you can specify every few hours and between which time slots the repetitions will be made.

Enable Delivery Partitions

Select this option to send in parts. The system will divide the total number of contacts into the number of parts that the user wants and will send them separately.

Complete Partition Size (quantity to send)

Configure Partition Schedule

Hourly: shipments can be scheduled by time. You can also program the time slot in which you want to make shipments. For example. That a shipment be made every 1 hour, between 9 am and 6 pm. In addition, it is possible to define which days of the week the partition will be carried out. For example: that it is sent every 1 hour, between 9 am and 6 pm, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Daily: shipments can be scheduled by day. With this option, you can define every how many days the shipments should be made. You can also select which days of the week the shipments should be made.

Monthly: select how many months the shipment should be made.

For the Repetitive Shipments and Shipment Split options, it is necessary to complete the End Date option, located at the end of the configuration.

Multiple Subject

This option allows you to send emails with multiple subjects and select the one with the best performance. To do this, the system sends a randomly selected group of contacts (from the databases previously loaded in Configuration No. 2). After a certain time, send the rest of the emails with the subject that had the most openings.

Configure sending with Multiple Subject

1 . Complete the Sample Size: write (with numbers) the number of shipments you want to make for the test

Select the Time to determine the winning issue (minutes)

Primary subject: it is the subject that was completed in Configuration N°1

Complete the alternative issues

You can add more subjects from the [+] button located on the right side of the Primary Subject

Delivery Frequency Control

Use this option to moderate the sending of emails to some database. It allows configuring that the shipments are made only to those contacts who did not receive an email in the last X days/months of X campaigns.

Select the days/months and campaigns in the corresponding tabs.

Engagement Control

Excludes contacts who did not open an email in the last X days/months of X campaigns.

Select the days/months and campaigns in the corresponding tabs.

These options are not mandatory, but they may improve the delivery results.

Audit Configurations

This action will duplicate the number of emails sent. With this service, users can ensure that an accurate copy of the sent email reaches the desired inbox, which can be useful for invoicing or other similar needs. However, it is important to note that this service comes with an additional cost, as the shipment is billed double: one to the final recipient and another to the copy inbox. Currently, this option functions as a BCC, meaning that an accurate copy of the delivered email is sent as a backup in case of any eventuality.

Google Analytics

Use this option for monitoring metrics with the Google tool.

The links of the emails sent will automatically carry a tracking code to be able to measure it in Google Analytics:

Medium Utm: is the Email through which the traffic was generated

Utm Content: is the name of the Configuration included in the email link. By default, the Configuration option is selected. But it can be edited from the ADD button that allows you to select the Campaign and Newsletter data.

Utm Campaign: is the name of the Campaign and Newsletter in the link of the email sent. These options are also editable from the ADD button.


Save and exit
Save the settings. You can continue editing. Shipping will not take place.

To proceed with the shipment, it is possible to do so by executing the advanced actions from the List Configurations section.

Select the blue arrow button next to settings.
Select the option:
Approve: to send the mail
Modify: to make changes to the shipping configuration
Delete: to delete the configuration
View: to view the configuration made
Copy: to copy the configuration and make a new shipment

Approve and Send

Approves the configuration and executes the sending of emails, according to the configuration made.

In the list of settings, the sent sent will show its Status as Sent- Done

Cancel the shipping setup. Start programming from scratch.

Updated on: 08/18/2023

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