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Omnichannel integration: Can I send both online and offline transactions?

In answer to the question, yes, it is entirely possible to send both online and offline transactions through the platform. However, this process requires careful identification and proper management to ensure consistent and effective communications.

First of all, it is vital to identify each of the transactions according to the origin, whether online or offline. This involves properly tagging transactions to associate them with the corresponding store. Proper identification ensures that customers receive relevant and personalized messages, increasing the likelihood of a successful interaction.

An important consideration to take into account is whether marketing wants to keep online and offline data separate and independent. In many cases, this can be beneficial to analyze the performance of each channel separately and gain a clearer view of the effectiveness of online and offline campaigns. In such a case, two different batches of files could be generated, one for each type of transaction.

However, if you choose to maintain a unified and holistic view of all the data, the Icomm platform also allows you to consolidate the information from both channels in a single database. This facilitates a complete view of the customer and a deeper understanding of their behavior, preferences and purchasing patterns, across all touch points.

To successfully carry out omnichannel integration, it is essential to coordinate with the Icomm support team in advance. Our team will work with you to generate the required profiles within the platform and adapt it to the specific needs of your business. Plus, they'll be on hand to provide ongoing advice and support to ensure you get the most out of omnichannel integration.

Updated on: 08/15/2023

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