Articles on: FAQs

Omnichannel Integration: Is there a limit to the amount of Key/Value I can send for each customer?

A crucial aspect of omnichannel integration is the ability to send customer-specific data, such as Key/Value attributes, to the platform. However, a common question arises among our users: "Is there a limit to the number of Key/Values ​​I can send for each client?"

The good news is that there is no pre-defined limit on the number of Key/Value attributes you can send for each customer on Icomm.

Flexibility in the number of Key/Value attributes:

You can submit as many attributes as you like, giving you the ability to collect and store a wide range of data tied to your customers. From basic information like name, age, and location, to more specific data like product preferences, purchase history, engagement activities, and much more. The more details you know about your customers, the better you can understand their needs and increase the effectiveness of your campaigns.

Benefits of advanced segmentation:

With this detailed information, you'll be able to create highly targeted audience segments and target your campaigns only to those customers who meet certain criteria. For example, you could target a special offer only to customers who have made recent purchases in a specific category of products, or send personalized recommendations based on their interests and past behavior.

Updated on: 08/15/2023

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