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Omnichannel Integration: What identifier should I send in the UserId field?

At Icomm, accurate identification of each customer is essential in the omnichannel integration process. In this article, we will explain the relevance of the UserId field and its importance in uniquely identifying customers.

The UserId field, in combination with the StoreCode when applicable, plays a fundamental role in allowing us to uniquely identify each customer on our platform. By submitting the correct identifier in this field, we are able to establish an effective connection between customer data and their actions on the email marketing platform.

What is the UserId field and why is it so important?

The UserId field is a unique identifier associated with each customer in the origin system, which can come from a website, mobile app, e-commerce, or other data source. By using the appropriate UserId, we can accurately track and analyze customer behavior across different communication channels and marketing campaigns.

A key thing to keep in mind is that the UserId must be consistent across all customer interactions. If a customer's data is scattered and different identifiers are used in multiple instances, you risk duplicate records or even lose valuable information about customer preferences and activities.

What identifier should I send in the UserId field?

Choosing the right identifier for the UserId field is highly dependent on the source system and the type of data collected. Here are some recommendations:

Your own unique identifier: If your source system has a unique identifier for each customer, such as a Customer ID or Member ID, it's a good idea to use it in the UserId field. This ensures a direct and accurate correlation between customer data and their interactions on the Icomm platform.

Email (EMAIL): If the source system does not have a unique identifier and the only data available is the customer's email address, it can be used as UserId. However, it should be noted that in case the customer changes their email address, the linking with their transaction history could be complicated.

Integration with e-commerce systems: If the Icomm platform is integrated with an e-commerce system, the UserId could be the same identifier used in the e-commerce for the customer. In this way, a smooth integration between both platforms is ensured, which facilitates the monitoring and analysis of purchasing and marketing activities.

Updated on: 08/15/2023

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