Articles on: FAQs

Omnichannel Integration: What is the optimal amount of data to send?

The number of years of data you need to send in the context of omnichannel integration depends largely on the type of industry in which your business operates. Some industries, such as fashion, technology or electronics, have shorter product life cycles and therefore data collected several years ago may not be as relevant to current customer behavior. In these situations, focusing on more recent data may offer better results.

On the other hand, some industries, such as insurance or financial services, can benefit from more extensive historical data. Long-term purchasing patterns and customer preferences can be crucial for proper segmentation and personalization of marketing campaigns.

Customers' average purchasing frequency also plays an important role. If your customers make purchases frequently and their preferences change quickly, focusing on more recent data may be more valuable. On the other hand, if purchase frequency is low and purchasing decisions are more considered, the inclusion of historical data can provide a more complete understanding of customer behavior.

### Cost and storage

It is vital to remember that omnichannel integration and sending large amounts of data have associated costs. Storing and processing a large amount of information involves significant resources, both in terms of infrastructure and processing. Therefore, it is essential to balance the amount of data with efficiency and return on investment.

Updated on: 12/19/2023

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