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Omnichannel integration: which customers should I include in the daily file?

The customer journal file plays a critical role in providing the information needed to make the omnichannel onboarding process smooth and accurate.

Purpose of the daily customer file:

In the daily customer file it is a vital tool in the context of omnichannel integration, as it ensures that we have all the relevant data to incorporate customer transactions into our system. Its main function is to gather updated information on each client on a daily basis.

Customers to include in the daily file:

It is crucial to ensure that all customers for whom transactions are reported are included in the journal file. In this way, we ensure that we have a complete vision of the actions of each client at all points of contact with our brand.

Importance of daily file update and security:

Omnichannel integration depends to a large extent on the quality and updating of the data. An out-of-date journal file could lead to inconsistent information and negatively affect the customer experience. On the other hand, data security is also essential to protect the privacy and confidentiality of our customers.

Updated on: 08/15/2023

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