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Tools to know the reputation of the sending domain

Knowing the reputation of the domain is essential to guarantee the delivery of emails. The good news is that there are several tools that allow you to know it. Here we leave you the main ones:

- [Senderbase](

Senderbase allows you to check the reputation of your email by classifying the IPs as: Good, when there is little to no activity that can be considered a threat, Neutral, means that your IP has acceptable parameters but can be filtered or blocked by an email provider , and Poor when your IP activity is considered a threat and your mailings will be filtered or blocked.

- [Barracuda Central](

Barracuda Central is a real-time database of IP addresses where they are classified as poor or good reputation.

- [SenderScore](

This is the best known tool. It allows you to immediately know your reputation with a scoring system that goes from 0 to 100, where 100 is the score with the highest reputation and best deliverability. The data is calculated from a monthly average and, based on this information, a comparative Rank is made between IPs.

- [Reputation Authority](

This tool helps businesses and government organizations protect themselves from unwanted email and web traffic that contains spam, malware, spyware, and phishing( /Phishing)*. It ranks your reputation between 0-100 and gives you the percentage of emails that were considered good versus those considered bad.

- [Trusted Source](

Quite similar to Sender Base. It provides you with information about the reputation of your website and your email, as well as DNS and email server. It also provides you with information about the history and activity of your domain.

The reputation of your email is your responsibility. The good use of these tools allows you to know the possibilities of deliverability of your emails. However, a good reputation is not enough to enter all inboxes; For this you must always maintain the good practices of [email marketing] (

We recommend: What is domain reputation?

Consult our article: Can the shipping domain be modified?

Updated on: 08/09/2023

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