What are and what do the statuses of the sending configurations in Icomm mean?
When programming a sending configuration in Icomm, it is important to know the different states it can take and what they mean, as this allows you to monitor progress and detect any situations that require attention.
These are the main shipping statuses:
Draft: Initial state when a new configuration is created without having been sent yet. In this state, it is possible to make changes or edit the created configuration.
Scheduled: The configuration has been scheduled for future delivery at a specific date and time.
Waiting for confirmation: Waiting for confirmation from the sender, who has not been authorized yet. It is important that the shipping sender is the correct one. Otherwise, the shipment may remain in this state and will not be sent. In this situation, the "From" must be modified so that it is the correct one.
Pending for sending: Everything is ready for the sending process to begin.
Processing: Data is being processed internally to prepare for shipment.
In progress: Sending has started and emails are being delivered gradually. It is important to understand that shipments are made in batches.
Sent-done: The process finished successfully and all emails were sent.
Cancelled: The configuration was manually canceled before completion.
Aborted: The sending was automatically stopped due to some error or problem.
Paused: The sending was manually paused by the user.
SMTP errors - temporarily stop: SMTP errors occurred, so pause and retry later.
It is important to keep in mind that before reaching the Sent-done state, the platform shows other intermediate states such as "Processing", "In progress" or "Delivery ending". This is because data processing and email sending are done in batches of 5,000 records, so it may take a few minutes depending on the volume to be processed.
The platform cannot be easily stopped once sending has started, since it has already processed some data and generated emails. Therefore, before sending, it is key to verify that the recipients, content and images are correct.
Monitoring these states allows for full traceability of the life cycle of each shipping configuration in Icomm.
Check out other articles in our help center: How to abort a shipment (or sending configuration) in Icomm
These are the main shipping statuses:
Draft: Initial state when a new configuration is created without having been sent yet. In this state, it is possible to make changes or edit the created configuration.
Scheduled: The configuration has been scheduled for future delivery at a specific date and time.
Waiting for confirmation: Waiting for confirmation from the sender, who has not been authorized yet. It is important that the shipping sender is the correct one. Otherwise, the shipment may remain in this state and will not be sent. In this situation, the "From" must be modified so that it is the correct one.
Pending for sending: Everything is ready for the sending process to begin.
Processing: Data is being processed internally to prepare for shipment.
In progress: Sending has started and emails are being delivered gradually. It is important to understand that shipments are made in batches.
Sent-done: The process finished successfully and all emails were sent.
Cancelled: The configuration was manually canceled before completion.
Aborted: The sending was automatically stopped due to some error or problem.
Paused: The sending was manually paused by the user.
SMTP errors - temporarily stop: SMTP errors occurred, so pause and retry later.
It is important to keep in mind that before reaching the Sent-done state, the platform shows other intermediate states such as "Processing", "In progress" or "Delivery ending". This is because data processing and email sending are done in batches of 5,000 records, so it may take a few minutes depending on the volume to be processed.
The platform cannot be easily stopped once sending has started, since it has already processed some data and generated emails. Therefore, before sending, it is key to verify that the recipients, content and images are correct.
Monitoring these states allows for full traceability of the life cycle of each shipping configuration in Icomm.
Check out other articles in our help center: How to abort a shipment (or sending configuration) in Icomm
Updated on: 04/30/2024
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