Articles on: FAQs

What can I configure in the Chat Bubbles?

Chat Bubbles are a must-have feature on the Icomm platform, as they give users the ability to establish faster and more direct communication with their customers. In this article, we'll show you how to configure these bubbles to take full advantage of this functionality and improve the user experience.

1. Contact Channels

At Icomm, we offer you two popular options for contact channels in Chat Bubbles: WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger. You can choose to use only one of them or both, depending on your preferences and the preferences of your customers. This allows for more flexibility, as some audiences may feel more comfortable using a specific platform.

2. Chat Bubble Position

Customizing the position of the chat bubble is essential to integrate it harmoniously with the design of your website. At Icomm, we've designed the platform to allow you to choose between three placement options: right margin, left margin, or in the center. Depending on the design of your site and the comfort of the user, you will be able to select the position that best suits your needs.

3. Configuration of Hours and Days

Flexibility is key when it comes to communication with customers. With Icomm Chat Bubbles, you'll have full control over the days and times you want them to appear on your website. If your team is only available for inquiries at certain times, you can easily adjust your settings to reflect those times.

4. Specific Pages

Each page of your website may have a different purpose, and consequently, your users may have specific questions for each section. Icomm gives you the ability to choose on which pages you want the Chat Bubble to be displayed. For example, if you have an FAQ page, it would be ideal to display the bubble there to help users get quick and clear answers.

Consult our article: How to activate chat bubbles in HUB

Updated on: 07/31/2023

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