What does the open rate represent in Web Push?
The opening rate in Web Push refers to the number of impressions made, that is, it counts the devices in which the push notification could be displayed. In other words, it represents the number of times the notification is displayed on a device's screen. It's important to note that this metric is not related to whether the user viewed or interacted with the notification, but simply whether it was displayed on their device.
No, the opening rate in the Web Push is not equivalent to the effective shipments made. Effective delivery refers to the process in which the push notification is correctly accepted by the Chrome browser and delivered to the user's device. However, there are situations in which a push notification may not be accepted, such as when the Chrome browser is reinstalled or if the user accesses and blocks the Opt In that they had previously accepted.
Once the push notification is delivered to the user's device, it counts as an impression or open, regardless of whether the user saw it or whether the notification is still in their notification tray. Therefore, the web push open rate simply indicates how many times the push notification has been displayed on users' devices.
So, is it equivalent to effective shipments?
No, the opening rate in the Web Push is not equivalent to the effective shipments made. Effective delivery refers to the process in which the push notification is correctly accepted by the Chrome browser and delivered to the user's device. However, there are situations in which a push notification may not be accepted, such as when the Chrome browser is reinstalled or if the user accesses and blocks the Opt In that they had previously accepted.
Once the push notification is delivered to the user's device, it counts as an impression or open, regardless of whether the user saw it or whether the notification is still in their notification tray. Therefore, the web push open rate simply indicates how many times the push notification has been displayed on users' devices.
Updated on: 08/09/2023
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