Articles on: FAQs

What happens with the TaxAmount field if we only sell to final consumers and/or we do not have discriminated the amount of the tax?

One of the challenges that can arise when integrating different sales channels, such as online stores and point-of-sale systems, is the correct handling of tax-related data, such as the "TaxAmount" field.

In the case of selling exclusively to final consumers or when it is not possible to discriminate the value of the tax in the transactions, it is important to take into account how to handle the "TaxAmount" field in the Icomm email marketing automation platform. Here is a guide to addressing this situation:

Send zero in the value of the TaxAmount field:

When a direct sale is made to the final consumer or detailed information about the tax amount is not available, we will simply send a value of zero in the "TaxAmount" field. This ensures that the data is not left empty.

Discriminate the value of the tax (when possible):

Although in certain cases we cannot discriminate the amount of the tax, it is essential to do so whenever feasible. When we provide accurate data on the taxes involved in a transaction, it is possible to have transparent and detailed information from the invoices or purchase receipts.

Future use of the "TaxAmount" data on the Icomm platform:

It is important to note that although the Icomm platform does not currently specifically use the "TaxAmount" field data for any particular function, this could change in future updates. By submitting complete and accurate data, even when tax is zero or not itemized, our systems could accommodate future developments and functionality.

Updated on: 08/15/2023

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