Articles on: FAQs

What is the maximum time that Browsing History is retained on Icomm?

The maximum time in which the history of products visited in Icomm is retained is unlimited. No matter when your customers have visited your website and browsed the products, all that information will be kept in the History.

When a customer visits your website and browses products, Icomm securely and confidentially stores that information in History. There is no established time restriction for the retention of this data. This means that the products that your customers have visited in the past will continue to be registered and available for consultation in the future, even if months or years have passed.

The ability to maintain a complete history of the products visited is essential to offer a personalized shopping experience and facilitate the decision-making process of your customers. Imagine that a customer visits your website, browses several products that interest them, and then decides to put their purchase on hold. With Icomm History, those products will still be available when the customer returns later, allowing them to easily resume their search and complete the purchase.

Also, if your customers decide to leave your site and come back at a later time, their previously visited products will automatically be saved to History. This ensures that the information collected remains intact, even if customers log out or clear their browser cookies. In this way, your customers can resume their experience without losing sight of the products they had previously considered.

Updated on: 08/09/2023

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