Articles on: FAQs

Why don't they count clicks on a newsletter?

Sometimes, it is possible that when reviewing the metrics in the Results panel of Icomm, the clicks on a newsletter are not counted. There are several reasons why clicks are not counted correctly. Let's see some of them:

Breaking of the UTM of some URL

UTM (Urchin Tracking Module) are codes that are added to URLs to track traffic sources and measure campaign performance. If the UTMs are broken, that is, if part of the code is modified or removed, the clicks may not be correctly attributed to the newsletter. This can happen for various reasons, such as if the newsletter has been copied many times and the links have been accidentally modified.

Incorrect newsletter approval

In some cases, the problem may be associated with the approval of the newsletter. To verify, you can copy the newsletter and send it to yourself as a test. Then, review the results in the Results panel to make sure the clicks are being counted correctly.

LinkRef with spaces or special characters

Another possible cause of the lack of counting of the clicks is the presence of spaces or special characters in the LinkRef. LinkRefs are unique identifiers that are generated for each link in the newsletter and allow you to track clicks. If these identifiers contain spaces or special characters that are not allowed, the associated clicks may not be properly registered.

Domain down or expired

If the domain to which the newsletter links point is down or has expired, the clicks will not be able to be registered correctly. It is important to regularly check the status of the domains used in your newsletters to avoid this problem.

Good practices

To avoid the lack of counting of clicks in a newsletter, it is essential to carry out a test delivery from the Schedule shipments module of Icomm. Then, review the results in the Results panel to make sure the clicks are being counted correctly. If you encounter any issues, you can use the guidelines above to identify and fix potential errors.

We recommend: How to make a test shipment

What does the percentage of "Others" mean within the Heat map?

The Heat map or heat map, a tool that visually shows the distribution of clicks in a newsletter. Within it, it is possible to find the statistic called Others. This indicator groups the "rest of the buttons" that have a very small percentage in the individual distribution of clicks. In other words, it shows those newsletter items that have received a low number of clicks and have not stood out significantly in the heat map.

It's common for the "Other" category to have a higher percentage compared to the individual buttons that get a higher amount of clicks. This is because buttons that get fewer clicks are often less prominent or relevant to recipients, resulting in a lower level of engagement.

The analysis of the heat map and the "Other" statistic can provide valuable information to optimize your newsletters. You can identify the elements that generate less interest or attraction from your subscribers and consider strategies to improve their visibility or relevance. In addition, paying attention to the general click patterns in the heat map will allow you to adjust the layout and placement of key elements in your newsletters, thus improving their effectiveness and maximizing recipient engagement.

Consult our article: How to improve the click through rate (CTRO) in your campaigns

Updated on: 08/09/2023

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